Nasi Lemak

Nasi Lemak
The infamous Nasi Lemak! Some would claim it as the national food of Malaysia.
This delicacy is commonly found on road stalls throughout Malaysia. It is widely made and sold in restaurants, and makes a favourite pick among the locals here in Australia now. It is served with a variety of condiments such as sambal (chilli paste), rendang, fried chicken, peanuts, fried anchovies, eggs and cucumber.

It is best served with banana leaves. The rice taste and smell better as the aroma of the banana leaves infuses into the rice, making it so much more fragrant!

Sambal is a definite must when eating Nasi Lemak. It's a great kick start of the day when consumed as breakfast. This dish can be enjoyed at anytime of the day!

1 Spanish Onion (red onion) or brown onion, cut across so you end up with onion rings
6 fresh red chillies (seeded) and chopped roughly
3-4 garlic cloves
12 dried chillies, some deseeded and soaked in hot water 
6 shallots
4 stalks of lemongrass (chopped white part only)
2 tbs belacan (shrimp paste) toasted with a bit of sesame oil (The smell may be a little overwhelming, so be cautioned). This paste can be easily found at any Asian groceries which sells South East Asian providores
A pinch of salt
2 tbs of palm sugar . Also sold in Asian groceries. (you can use brown sugar as an alternative)
3 tbs of fish sauce

1. You may use a mortar and pestle with a rough surface, grind the belacan, red chillies, shallots and lemongrass together. Twist the pestle whilst going round the mortar in a circular motion.
2. If you do not have a mortar, place the belacan, red chillies, dried chillies, garlic, shallots and lemongrass into a blender till you get a rustic textture. Add a little water and oil.
3. Heat up your wok with oil, add the paste and sauté it. Add the onion rings and give it a good stir until the onions are soft.
4. Add sugar, fish sauce and salt.
5. Allow it to cool and store in the fridge ready to use.

The dried anchovies (known as Ikan bilis) and peanuts are fried, then stored in air tight containers. These anchovies were from my hoemtown, in the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia, called Kuantan, in the state of Pahang. They were very fresh! The eggs are boiled until hard,  and set aside. Peel them once cool and cut them in halves. Slice some cucumbers and set them aside.

Coconut rice recipe
6 pandan leaves or screwpine leaves, tied in knots (you can occasionally find them at your local Asian grocery store, they are stored in the frozen section. So, you will need to ask). These leaves can be grown here in Brisbane. Thaw these leaves before cooking the rice.
2 cans of coconut milk (approx 400 ml)
Pinch of salt
3 cups of rice
2 thumbsize ginger (smack or pound it)
A little water

Cook the rice in a pot or a rice cooker, adding the pandan leaves, coconut milk, pinch of salt and ginger. Serve the rice with condiments and rendang. My beef rendang recipe was posted on the 24th August 2011 :)

Selamat Makan!


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