Mum's Flavoured Rice (Yao Mei Fan or Kiam Peng)

Mum's Flavoured Rice (Yao Mei Fan or Kiam Peng)

An absolute mouth watering dish! One of my many childhood favourites, this is definitely one of our family’s comfort food! Every family have their own versions of flavoured rice.

Ingredients  (serves 2)
2 cups of jasmine rice. For a low GI option , you may use basmati rice.
2 chinese sausages, finely cubed
6 fresh or softened dehydrated shiitake mushrooms (soaked in hot water), thinly sliced or you may also add half a handful of straw mushrooms  or golden mushrooms
1 handful of dried shrimps (sold in packets in the Asian groceries)
1 brown onion. Bombay onion or 2 shallots can be  used, finely chopped
4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
1 inch of ginger, finely chopped
Salt and white pepper, Chinese rice wine, dark soy sauce, soy sauce, sesame oil
Chinese five spice powder
    1.  Fry all the ingredients in 2 tablespoon of vegetable oil and 1 tablespoon of sesame oil, until aromatic.
    2.  Add in some cracked sea salt, 1 ½ teaspoon of raw sugar, 1 tablespoon of five spice powder, 1 teaspoon of white pepper, 2 tablespoon of dark soy sauce and a couple dashes of soy sauce. You may add more soy sauce when serving if needed.
    3.  Stir well and add 2 tablespoon of chinese rice wine and fry until slightly dry, but still saucy.
    4.  Wash two cups of jasmine rice and boil for 10 minutes (or half way) in the rice cooker and add in the fried ingredients, spreading it evenly in the rice pot. Cover the pot and leave it to cook.
    5.  You may use cooked chicken adobo in this recipe, or mix it with chinese sausages too (You can check my chicken adobo with lemongrass posted under “Filipino” tag, on 15 November 2010). I will post the recipe soon. So, watch this space! J
      If you opt for the cooked chicken adobo, you can leave out the dark soy sauce and soy sauce additions in this flavoured rice recipe.
    6.  Stir thoroughly before serving and you may sprinkle some chopped coriander leaves or spring onions. Voila!


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